
Karaoke for Marianne Faithful - As Tears Go By original early

Marianne Faithful - As Tears Go By original early (02:33)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Marianne Faithfull - As Tears Go By (02:35)
Marianne Faithful - As Tears Go By original early (02:33)
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Marianne Faithfull - Come and stay with me (02:24)
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Marianne Faithfull - Is this what i get for loving you (03:50)
Marianne Faithfull - Its all over now baby blue (03:46)
Marianne Faithfull - Lady Madeleine (04:21)
Marianne Faithfull - Lucy Jordan (04:09)
Marianne Faithfull - Ruby Tuesday (04:36)
Marianne Faithfull - Summer Nights (01:48)
Marianne Faithfull - Summernights (01:46)
Marianne Faithfull - The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan (04:06)
Marianne Faithfull - This Little Bird (02:04)
Marianne Faithfull - This little bird (02:01)
Marianne Faithfull - What have they done to the rain (02:53)
Marianne Faithfull - Witches Song (04:47)
Marianne Faithfull - Working Class Hero (04:43)
Marianne Faithfull - Yesterday (02:20)

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